When there is good conversation among friends interacting to each other's creativity there is MAGIC IN THE AIR!

Challenges run from Monday through Sunday; every two weeks.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Magical Monday - Be Inspired

Free Smiley Courtesy of www.millan.netfor the random drawing prize for participating in last weeks challenge is: Georgette

Please send me your e-mail address at magicintheair@att.net so I can get these images out to you. CONGRATS and ENJOY!

Also, a BIG thanks to Patti Nelson who will be saying good-bye to us on the DT. She has been with me for 10 months and I have been so blessed by her lovely creations. Also, Amber Hillman and Melanie Newby will be moving on as well. As well as another shout out to Debbie Schneider who was our wonderful September GD. It always saddens me to see my designers move on, but I also feel very blessed by the time and talents they have shared with us as well. I hope you will all leave them a lovely post of thanks.

Also, I really don't want this to come across negative, but I have really been struggling if I need to re-consider if I will continue this blog come the first of next year if we don't start getting more people joining in our challenges. My DT/GD's work so hard to bring you wonderful inspiration every week and yet when I post freebies I have hundreds stop by and grab them for free, but very little join in our challenges with the freebies or leave a small thank you. It really is disheartening to me at times. I truly love doing this, but maybe I need some input from all of you on what you would like to see in order for you to join in here; next to just giving away free images for free all the time. So, if you have a positive voice to toss at me shoot me an e-mail and I would love to hear from you.

This weeks challenge is brought to us by Patti Painter. She wants you to be inspired by this picture however it moves you to create! You have until Sunday night to enter. Please note for this is new: You do not need to use one of our digis to play along, but of course we would love to see a Paper Cupcakes image used. Please note: only those who DO use one will be entered into the drawing to win.

The prize for this week’s random drawing for whoever participates in this weeks challenge per the rules and links their work back here is:

Now for the oh so talented...


Amber's Blog

Image: Bushel of Blessings

Carol's Blog

Image: Trick-or-Treat, Something Sweet

Dru's Blog

Image: Autumn Solitude

Gloria's Blog

Image: Pumpkin Jester

Jessie's Blog

Image: Batty About Candy Corn

Image: Mouse Friends - Mouse Candy

Marie's Blog

Image: Batty About Candy Corn

Nilla's Blog

Image: Too Cute To Spook

Pat's Blog

Image: Too Cute To Spook

Patti N's Blog

Image: Autumn Solitude

Patti P's Blog

Image: Pumpkin Jester

September's Guest Designer:

Debbie's Blog

Image: Autumn Solitude

and my creation:

Nina's Blog

Image: Sweet Encounter

Image: Too Sweet To Spook

Also, make sure you join us in the CDAC for our blog hop starting this Friday, October 1st. See the post just below this one for all the details. We hope you will join us!


Theresa's Studio said...

I wish I had some ideas to share as to how you can get more participants. I enjoy your challenges and thank you for the freebies including the cupcake. Great cards from the design team.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Ok Nina,
I confess. I'm one of those who try to gather up the freebies, and don't often manage to make challenges! I do appreciate it all though I promise, and I hope to make more challenges soon. This month is nuts, but I'm also giving up some of my DT work so I can do more! Please - keep it going.

Carolina Girl (Cely) said...

I just found your site and I will definitely be participating in the challenges. THIS TIME I will watch the deadline. I was so hoping to win a digi. I love your work. I've download and know what I'm going to do...yippee!

Linda said...

Hi Nina
I do love your images and try to submit a card for the challenges. This past week I came down with a bug that really slowed me down but I have a card I am going to make this week using the sweet little image from last week.
Oh my the cupcake this week is making my mouth water...yummy!!
The DT always has so many great inspiring ideas on their beautiful cards....thank you ladies!!!

Marsha said...

So sorry you are discouraged. For me personally, I became addicted (truly) to challenges and now I am cutting back. I am not going enter so many and not going to do challenges that offer digis as the prize. I have so many. So now I am just going to enter challenges that have a prize of embellishments, paper, etc. like the prize you are so generously offering this week.

Toni said...

The DT outdid theselves again. Glad I don't have to pick a favorite. The cupcake image looks good enough to eat. Love all the images you do and appreciate all your time and for sharing your talent. Seems like everyone is so busy these days. I don't know how people can do more than 1 or 2 sites. This is my only site. Keep up the good work, things can only get better.

Peggysue said...

Thank you so much for the cute cupcake Nina! I sent you a long email with my 2 cents. Hang in there, cuz I really enjoy your style of drawing.

Marilou said...

Thank you for the yummy looking cupcake!! Love it!

Sue said...

Thank you for sharing your time and your work. I am guilty, I spend way to much time gathering images and not enough time creating.

Misty said...

Thanks so much for the super cute freebie!

Kathy Czygan said...

Hi Nina: Please keep your chin up. Things will get better. I'm keeping you in my prayers. You're so sweet I hate to hear that you're discouraged. I have to admit that I have received freebies and not found the time to use them all,even though I intend to. I do appreciate your generosity and your talent. Thank you for the cute butterfly cupcake. I will be using it this week for the challenge. Looking forward to the October challenges!

AGohl said...

Thank you for the freebie! Today is the first time I have ever visited your blog and I will definitely have to go see if I have any fall colored papers to create something for this weeks challenge with!

jg said...

Like some of the ladies who have commented before me, I'm one of the guilty ones who gather images with the hope that I'll have time to use them someday. I'm sorry there are so many of us. I love to see the creations you share here. You have a wonderful talent and are so very generous. I'm sorry you're feeling discouraged--I wish I could promise I would contribute to the challenges, but right now that isn't very likely. No matter what you decide, I want to say thank you for sharing what you have.

Linda said...

Dont give up on us yet!!! I really love your blog, this is just a rough time of year

HighDesertGal said...

I love your cupie cake. Now if I could only decorate a real one like that :(. Thank you for sharing!!!

Pankti said...

I love your freebies... I have just started to come on your blog as I just started blogging as well. I love your last week's digi image the ant one... It was the best image i found. I am already a follower of this blog and I will spread the word. Thanks for providing wonderful freebies.

Mary Marsh said...

I just found your blog-I like challenges so I will be back

Carolina Girl (Cely) said...

Oh My...was determined to make the deadline this time..haha Hope you like it. I love what everyone has done. Again, I just love this site and all the images. When money is available I hope to buy some images. Again, thank you for the freebie autumn cupcake.

Myrna said...

It would be unfortunate if you decided to quit.
I just found your site and love to look at it. I have not entered any challenges as I only have had time to do cards for family but sometime in the future it would be fun.
Keep your chin up, it is bound to get better.
Thank you for making the freebies available to those less talented than you.

Scrappin' Sista said...

Hi Nina. I found your blog through Creating in Carolina's site and I must say I am enjoying myself. My submission is my first attempt at using digi stamps for a card. I hope I made you proud. :) Thanks so much for the opportunity.
