Good Day and thanks for joining us in the Crafter's Digital Art Centers (CDAC) FIRST blog hop! If you came from Guylou's Inimitability blog you are one the right track. I hope you will enjoy the cards that the Paper Cupcakes DT has provided to showcase a few of the new releases. You can find even more new releases at our Paper Cupcakes store.
If by chance you get lost along the way or you didn't start at the beginning of the hop you can go back to the HERE and find your way again or you can start from the beginning of the hop HERE if you didn't start at the beginning point.
Every blog will be giving away something. I will be doing a random drawing and the winner will get to pick 6 free images of their choice. So make sure you leave a a comment on every blog. PLUS, CDAC will be giving away $300.00 worth of treasures (see below or lookie here for all the details of the rules, this is also where all the winners will be announced by Friday, October 8th, including my winner).
Grand Prize give-a-ways from The Original Scrapbox:
Please enjoy our new releases by Paper Cupcakes Stamps:
Image: Noel Bears
Image: Fall Angel - Autumn Blessings
Image: Oh Deer, it's Christmas
Image: Tricks, Treats, OR...
Image: Sunflower Topiary
Image: Snowman Angel
Image: Jingles
Image: Spooky Hellos

Image: Girl with Pumpkin
Image: Mouse Friends: Dream
Image: Vase of Sunflowers

Image: Bed Time Stories

Thanks so much for joining us for the CDAC Artist Blog Hop. For more Details about the $300 worth of prizes click HERE. This Blog Hop is being sponsored by “The Original Scrapbox”. Please be sure to stop by their site and check out some of their wonderful storage and crafting accessories. To qualify to win, you must be a CDAC member, must commented on all the blog hop participant’s blog hop posts, comment on the CDAC blog post about your favorite “Scrapbox” item and must enter Mr. Linky on the CDAC front page.
If you get lost along the way, you can always click HERE to find your way again. Enjoy your journey through some amazingly talented digital artist’s blog’s and your next stop on this Stamp-n-doodle! Enjoy the rest of this journey!