Please send me your address at so I can get this out to you. CONGRATS and ENJOY!
Today I bring you "Eldon with Flower"! Isn't he just the cutest! Now, I have to tell you the story behind this cute little caterpillar and also why his debut is in September. Helen, one our Guest Designers, prior to knowing she would ever be a Guest Designer had a dream one night about my stamps and she approached me with a few ideas of what she had envisioned and so I took my sketch pad on vacation with me and messed around and I approached her with a Guest spot and as you can see she said yes and so I just knew that this image should debut in the same month. She had no idea I had drawn him up and so when I sent her the September images he was there for a little extra surprise for her. I have to say I just love him and you will be seeing more of this little fellow in future images.
With Eldon, I intentionally kept him free of stripes, dots and other patterns, mainly because I wanted crafters to be able to "dress" him up in different ways and be able to change his look if they wanted to. I did this with the images on my other blog. I had a lot of fun making "designer Eldons"!
(left click, then right click "save as" the larger image)
So, snag Eldon, take the time to leave some luvins in a post for the designers and tell me what you think of Eldon. Also, see if you can carve out some time and play along with the challenge this week.
("Eldon with flower" is no longer available for free... I am in a process of getting a website up and going to make available to you not only these images, but many more originals by me in digital form and in the near future photopolymer as well... it's all in "the works"! In just hours a new free image will be released)
Curt brings us this weeks challenge which is to use the image I have provided "Eldon with Flower" and use some ribbon and add a bow! Yep, it's that simple and wonderful!! So, grab some time, the image and of course your ribbon and let the metamorphosis begin!
The prize for this week’s random drawing for whoever participates in this weeks challenge and links their work back here is:


Curt's Blog

Leigh Anne's Blog

Nilla's Blog

Stephanie's Blog

September's Guest Designers:

Deedee's Blog

Helen's Blog

So, make sure you check out my other blog here. Last month I made all my DT and GD's little thank-you cards and I used this image to make them. So, I actually have 7 cards on my blog with this image, so check them out. Eldon is one cute caterpillar and can have many looks!
1. Gypsy 2. rose miller 3. Renata 4. Connie 5. Judy 6. Debra B 7. Jennifer 8. Kimberly S 9. Marla H. | 10. Sue Walsh 11. Esther 12. Patti J. 13. Erin 14. Karen 15. Diane 16. susan Goetter 17. JanJ 18. Pinky | 19. Denise Smalley 20. Kim Mc (Living in Paradise) 21. Linda B 22. Wilma 23. Tracey V 24. Stacie 25. Tiffany |
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