The lucky duck to receive the random drawing prize for participating in last weeks challenge is: lisa808
Please send me your address at so I can get this out to you. CONGRATS and ENJOY!
This week’s free image is this cute little duck trampling through a puddle in his rubber boots and hat with his favorite boat! This is a fun image and I think this could be used in many ways with lots of fun sentiments. This cute image is called "Elvis in boots". So, as you fly by to snag Elvis why not consider playing along in this weeks challenge as well!
(C) Elvis in boots: (left click, then right click "save as" the larger image)
("Elvis in boots" is no longer available for free... I am in a process of getting a website up and going to make available to you not only these images, but many more originals by me in digital form and in the near future photopolymer as well... it's all in "the works"! In just hours a new free image will be released)
The challenge for this week is: Get inspired by this picture by using the colors & patterns; including the mat:

The prize for this week’s random drawing for whoever participates in this weeks challenge and links their work back here is:

Now if you don't have one of these Uni-ball Signo pens or have never used one you will love it! It's the best white pen out there I think. I love to use it to doodle with a lot and can't imagine never having it on hand!
Now for the oh so talented...

Curt's Blog

Leigh Anne's Blog

Nilla's Blog

Stephanie's Blog

Karen's Blog

Ulrica's Blog

This first month I will be playing along here; then you can find my creations on my other blog Having An Art-A-Tack

I did this next card, because I wanted to show you what you can do if you have a program such as Photo Shop, Print Shop or other programs such as these. These programs give you the ability to crop the image close and place them closer together like in this card. This is one of the wonderful things about digital images. If you don't have a program Print Shop Deluxe is really not that expensive and fairly easy to use. It would really be worth the $50.00 to get it to do digital images in and your sentiments. I love this program and I use to just make clip art cards in it, but discovered how wonderful it really was for something like this. So, you might want to check it out if you don't want to spend a lot of money and want a nice, fairly easy to learn program to do digital images in. I also use it a lot for scrapbooking in many different ways. I have done digi scapbook pages as well. You can find the program here you want to check it out. Details for this card can be found on my other blog.

Now I know you had to delight in all these "Elvis in boots" cards. Make sure you check out everyone's blogs for a close up and details of their cards. They all turned out super cute! So, now let's see yours!! I am sure some of your delightful work might even "quack" me up! So, in the mean time while I am waiting for you to return with your lovely creation, have a Ducky Day!
oppsss.. forgot Mr. Linky! here he is...
1. Sari 2. Esther 3. Belyona 4. Rachel A. | 5. Jennifer 6. Triasimite 7. Salamanteri76 8. lisa808 | 9. Deedee 10. Pinky 11. JanJ 12. Jane |
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