Please send me your address at so I can get this out to you. CONGRATS and ENJOY!
Well, this going to be short and sweet mainly because I have been sick for over a week now with this awful cough. I managed to make 2 cards this evening after dinner, one for this blog and one for a cause regarding a little girl named Jaimie, so make sure you check out my blog to see another one of my images that will be in my soon to be store. I love elegant images and I think elegant fits this image. Although, I did make this with Thanksgiving in mind, I also think it is certainly an image that could be used for anything in general. So, I will be excited to see what you do with it. Soooo, these designer cards are just wonderful as always, so show your appreciation to the team and leave them all some lovins! I love reading everything you leave in the posts.... so this week let us know if you sit or if you stand while you create. I personally stand, except while coloring my image, although I have been known to stand at our taller table and color as well, but I rarely sit! I use to think everyone stood until I started crafting with friends! :O) So, this week I bring you the image "Elegant Pumpkins". I thought I would also just post the sentiments again this week, just in case someone missed them.
(C) "Elegant Pumpkins"
(left click, then right click "save as" the larger image)
("Elegant Pumpkins" is no longer available for free... I am in a process of getting a website up and going to make available to you not only these images, but many more originals by me in digital form and in the near future photopolymer as well... it's all in "the works"! In just hours a new free image will be released)
Leigh Anne brings us this weeks challenge and she wants you to use the image provided "Elegant Pumpkins" and then do a monochromatic card... your image can be multi color.... pick any ONE color for your monochromatic color for your card and then add with that monochromatic color either white, black or grey... Does that make sense? LOL... I hope so! This was my first card for monochromatic, so if you have any questions just slip me an e-mail and I will try to answer you asap.
(monochromatic: one color with variations of that same color from light to dark.)
The prize for this week’s random drawing for whoever participates in this weeks challenge and links their work back here is:

Now for the oh so talented...

Danielle's Blog

Kim's Blog

Leigh Anne's Blog

Nilla's Blog

Selma's Blog

Novemeber's Guest Designers:

Lisa's Blog
Lisa did the orange card first and realized she left off the white, black or grey and then sent me this second one, I thought that they were both so beautiful I thought I would just showcase them both. :O)

and my card:

Nina's Blog

OK.. now we showed you ours, now lets see yours! ENJOY!

Have a JOYFUL day!
1. Pattie G 2. Jane 3. berg4 4. Sue Walsh | 5. Lisa Foster 6. Olga Jewell 7. Linda B 8. Stamping SAM | 9. Denise S. 10. Megan 11. Patti J. 12. Toni |
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